Thursday, 9 January 2014

The Countdown

It's well past midnight and I lay here wide awake, the idea of sleep rudely being interrupted by one of two distractions. The first possibility is that I simply decided to indulge in a coffee far to late in the evening, which does not seem to far from truth. The other is that we are only a day away from perhaps one of the most challenging/life-changing/exciting/self-defining trips I am yet to encounter, and I cannot express how honoured I feel to be encountering this with you, my team.
Stand back and take a good look at this life we are all apart of. You'll see that it's not about you or me, it's about more than that. We have to get out of the mindset of this me, me, me culture and try to see it with a different perspective. See that it's about others. Living for others, loving others.
This is what you are all about to do.
You are leaving your comfort zones and this place of familiarity. You are taking on this new, exciting adventure where the things that used to ring important will be lessened, and your eyes and hearts opened to these new, wonderful people.
I urge you all to remember this as hurdles begin to build up over the next two weeks. It is going to be a challenge; physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually but in all things, this thing we're all doing - it is bigger than you. We are going because we want to be a vehicle of change, witness a difference in the lives of others.
For those family members who are reading this blog, I encourage you to follow our journey. Be inspired by the feats your husband / wife / daughter(s) / son(s) / boyfriend / girlfriend / brother / sister / grandchild(ren) are achieving and the goals we as a team are striving to reach together, your support throughout this journey will mean more to us than you can know.
To the team, I honestly can not express how much I am looking forward to serving with you all.
See you tomorrow.


  1. hi mum and loo its darcie i miss you two already well cant wait till you have some news up
